Friday, May 11, 2012

Blogging Take 2

So, I really didn't like using tumblr and how it would tell me that there were notes or likes but I couldn't see them. What's the point of saying my post has 5 notes but then when I click on them, there's nothing there???? I'd like to find a way to export my posts to here but we'll see if I even bother. I felt like I did some good writing there and would prefer not to lose it all.

My goal is to write here every day. Some days it'll be a journal of life, other days it will be reflections on my academic stuff so that part will be boring. I wonder if I can make certain posts private so I don't subject anyone who might stumble across this to boring things about Bourdieu or health policy. I know that my mind works better when I can write about the things I'm reading in a more dynamic way than just taking notes. I was just going to use a Word doc, but this should allow me to categorize and search which will be helpful, as long as I write!

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