Friday, May 25, 2012


I'm not sure what's going on here. I've just been wiped out yesterday and today. Like seriously fatigued. I don't know if it's lingering effects from helping Andrea move all of those boxes or if I'm low on iron or what.

Tomorrow I'm running a 5K race - the first in the Arizona Road Racers summer series. The weather is going to be AWESOME and I'm bummed because my running is crap right now. I know if I was still running like I was at the beginning of the year I'd finally break that damn 30 min. barrier, but my running has been sucko since March and I'm out of shape and it's not going to happen. ARRRGGGHHHH. Next week I'm starting my pool running regimen.

Goal for the day (always nice to make your day's goal at almost 1pm) is to clean off my desk and organize my library books into keep/return.

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