Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Seriously. Writing Is Hard.

I've really been struggling today with my writing. I committed to having a good version of my dissertation proposal to my advisor by Friday. I know what I want to write, but I've been dinking around most of the day not being able to dig in and do it. I don't know why this happens. I know I'm a good writer, I know as I write, I think, and what I turn out ends up being better than it was in my head. I know it's a process. Why is it so hard to get started and stay going??????? It's so frustrating. And depressing.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Whoo Boy It's Been a While

Yeah, no posting since June 17. I've thought about it several (many) times but just didn't feel like I had anything to say and would have had to face up to the fact that I wasn't working on my dissertation proposal to the level that I should have been. I've started and restarted this post many times. I think not posting is definitely a portrait into how I was feeling about my schoolwork - it could wait, do it later, don't feel like it, UGGGHHHH, amongst other things.

But, I'm feeling a bit energized after going to the Qualitative Health Research Conference in Montreal last week. I met a lot of great people in a great city and felt more confident that I really do have something to say and something to contribute, even at this point when I haven't done any of my research yet. I took an amazing workshop about interviewing that really changed how I'm thinking about my interviews. I also started thinking about how I want MY research to be. There was a lot of talk about how qualitative research tends to be descriptive without meaningful analysis or attempts for analytical generalizability (a new term for me that I think bears more thinking about in terms of what I'm trying to do). And I got to meet a lot of great people doing research in interesting things. I was one of the only policy people, but I met two people using similar theoretical underpinnings and they were both so nice and helpful. Those Canadians man, they don't call it Canada-nice for nothing! I don't know how often I'll be able to afford to go to that conference, but I really felt at home.

I also loved Montreal. Contrary to my usual, I took tons of pictures. The conference was basically finished by 3:30 every day (though there were evening events two out of the three nights) so I got to see a good portion of the city. I would definitely go back. Here are some pictures:
My poster! I didn't bring it home with me so I'm glad I took a picture.

I ran along here on Monday evening. It was windy but nice. Everyone else was wearing way more clothes than I!!
At the beginning of the trek up Mt. Royal on Tuesday. Gorgeous day, gorgeous place!
At the top of Mt. Royal - amazing view of the city!
Cool art on the side of a building in China Town.
View from the Tower at Olympic Parc - another gorgeous day!
Kid jumping off the high dive at the Centre Sportif at Olympic Parc
Old Port